Dreamnode Studios is a local game development studio that has global ambitions. The objective of Dreamnode is to create simple yet engaging mobile and tablet gaming apps, that allow users to experience hours, days and months of exciting and endless fun; individually, co-operatively and/or competitively.
In the past, Dreamnodes has been incubated at the Nest I/O. The team behind Dreamnodes includes: Asfandiyar Dayan Khan, and Ashraf Kalim Ahmed.
Their first ever mobile game Loops is a neat little game that makes you think on the spot. It’s a unique take on the color swap and endless arcade genre with simple controls that make it easy to play yet hard to master.
Loops has officially been featured by the AppAdvice, a platform that filters through 1,500,000+ apps in the App Store to bring you up to date on relevant news regarding apps, as well as providing detailed app reviews.