Now that the elections are over, the results are in and PTI is in power everyone is anxiously waiting to see what kind of Tabdeeli will Imran Khan bring as the prime minister. He has been making some noise about all the change he will bring for the past five years and how he would do things differently if he was in the position to make a difference. Well now is his chance and his critics as well as his supporters are breathlessly waiting to see their prime minister in action. Perhaps that is exactly why the PTI government thought it would be a good idea to launch a website which allows the Pakistani public to keep track of how much of his agenda has the PM accomplished. It is a good gesture to make the public feel included and to show transparency in his governance unlike his predecessors.
This website address is this: His agenda includes transformation in governance, strengthening the federation, revitalizing economic growth, uplifting agriculture and conserve water, revolutionize social services, and ensure Pakistan’s national security according to his website. Each of these are separate tabs on the website which are then further divided into 35 different initiatives under each headings and these are then also divided into sub-goals and the milestones required to achieve these goals. The best part perhaps about the website is that it shows under whose domain is each milestone and has that milestone been reached or at least initiated so far.
This is the first official website of its kind, at least in Pakistan. However, it should be noted that there was an unofficial website created called Khan Meter by Salman Saeed, a social entrepreneur, to monitor the progress made by the PM, Imran Khan, towards completing his 100 day agenda.
Websites like these are a good way to show transparency and for at least giving an air of inclusivity for the public. However, while this is a well-intended website the progress shown on the official website should be taken with a grain of salt as it is indeed very easy to let the website show that a certain milestone has been completed than to actually complete it. Also, it is important to know ground realities as we do not, sadly, live in a world where one can truly hold one to his word.