Last month, it was reported that hackers were targeting WhatsApp accounts of numerous Pakistanis mostly based in Karachi. The news was further confirmed when GEO news went on to quote the Cyber Crime wing of Federal Investigation Authority (FIA), stating that a lot of incidents of WhatsApp accounts hacking were happening.
According to the news, FIA had received complaints wherein reporters mentioned that their accounts were being hacked by a group of hackers who asked them for bank-based transfers in order to get control of their accounts back. The news ever since has gone on to break the internet and has been circulated widely.
It is to be noted that the hacking usually occurs with the hackers can get hold of your WhatsApp and/or other social media accounts by tempting you into opening a certain link or performing a certain action from the device you’re on. The malicious links can either be used to harbor malware which is automatically downloaded or these can be used to steal certain security tokens/identities from your browser.
Therefore, with the Whatsapp hacking on the rise, here are some measures that can be taken in order to ensure that your private data is safe: Do not click on any of the links that seem fishy or you’re not sure; Use a guest account on your smartphone for visiting users. Have caution using open WiFis. Don’t use widespread and public Wifis. Use proxy browsers on systems you don’t own. Don’t pay heed to any messages that ask you to click on some link, before verifying it with the person it is sent by and always check the link you’re opening along with the hyperlink beneath it.