IBM is proud to present ‘IBM -TIC BootCamp for Entrepreneurs’, an interactive session aimed to rattle the minds of our young entrepreneurs to generate ideas. The event is to be held in collaboration with Technology Incubation Center and NUST Entrepreneurs Club. The session will be full-day from 10am – 4pm at TIC, NUST Campus.
Whether it be IoT, cloud computing, AI or analytics, our speakers might just have the catalyst you are looking for to boost your venture!
So if you are an individual or a team with a start-up idea in mind or one already in place, then head over to SEECS auditorium on the 21st to discuss your ideas with our panel of speakers from the renowned company IBM.
What: BootCamp for Entrepreneurs
Where: SEECS auditorium
When: 21st February, 2017
Time: 10:00 AM – 05:00 PM
How to Register:
Register yourself on the following link: