Punjab’s Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has unveiled a groundbreaking initiative to support students in the province, aimed at providing them with greater opportunities for education, entrepreneurship, and sustainability. At a scholarship distribution ceremony held at Bahauddin Zakaria University, the Chief Minister announced a series of measures that include 50,000 scholarships, 100,000 free electric bikes, and a new scheme for interest-free loans, all designed to empower the youth and enhance access to education and technology.
In her speech, Maryam Nawaz emphasized the provincial government’s commitment to merit-based opportunities for students, highlighting that all scholarships would be awarded solely based on merit, without any political influence or distinctions.
“All scholarships will be awarded purely on merit, without any political distinctions.”
she stated, underscoring the importance of education in the development and progress of the province.
“Education is the cornerstone of progress.”
The initiative, which is set to expand significantly in the coming year, will provide scholarships to 50,000 students, benefiting those pursuing education in both public and private institutions. These scholarships will cover the full tuition fees for students, ensuring that financial barriers do not stand in the way of education. Additionally, the Chief Minister announced plans to introduce international scholarships, further enhancing opportunities for students to pursue studies abroad.
Maryam Nawaz also introduced a new interest-free loan scheme aimed at fostering entrepreneurship among the youth. Under this scheme, students will be able to access loans of up to Rs 30 million to support the development of their startups and businesses. “This initiative aims to foster entrepreneurship among the youth, enabling them to secure their futures,” she explained, positioning the loan scheme as a tool for encouraging self-reliance and innovation.
Another key aspect of the initiative is the distribution of electric bikes, which Maryam Nawaz emphasized as part of the government’s commitment to addressing environmental challenges.
“This initiative not only benefits students but also aligns with efforts to reduce air pollution.”
she said, revealing that 30,000 electric bikes have already been distributed, with plans to increase this number to 100,000 in the coming year. The Chief Minister also shared that discussions were underway with a Chinese company to establish an electric bike manufacturing unit in Punjab, further contributing to the province’s green energy goals.
The initiative also places a strong focus on equipping students with the skills needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. Maryam Nawaz emphasized the need for a stronger emphasis on education in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and science and technology.
“We aim to equip students with the tools needed for a secure future in a rapidly changing world.”
This comprehensive package launched by Maryam Nawaz is seen as a significant step in providing students with the resources and support they need to excel academically, pursue entrepreneurial ventures, and contribute to the broader goals of environmental sustainability and technological advancement. The initiatives are expected to have a far-reaching impact on the youth of Punjab, enabling them to access education, launch businesses, and engage in environmentally friendly practices.