Prime Minister’s Performance Delivery Unit (PMDU) has officially launched the Pakistan Citizen’s Portal, a digital platform designed to enhance citizen engagement and streamline the complaint resolution process. The initiative aims to improve communication between the public and government institutions, ensuring that grievances are addressed in a timely and efficient manner. Available for download on Android and iOS devices, the portal allows citizens to directly lodge complaints, provide feedback, and seek information related to public services.
The Pakistan Citizen’s Portal is a key step in the government’s broader strategy to promote transparency, accountability, and evidence-based policymaking. By digitizing the complaint-handling process, the government seeks to eliminate bureaucratic inefficiencies and ensure that every concern raised by citizens is properly recorded and tracked. The portal provides access to various government organizations at the federal, provincial, and district levels, allowing for a more coordinated and responsive approach to problem-solving.
The PMDU has issued clear guidelines for using the portal, urging citizens to submit complaints with complete and accurate information. Users are advised to avoid unnecessary or repetitive complaints and must refrain from using abusive or offensive language. Complaints that contain false information or are deemed to be frivolous may result in account restrictions or potential blocking from the platform.
To protect user privacy, the Pakistan Citizen’s Portal ensures that all personal data remains confidential. Government departments handling complaints have been instructed to limit access to citizens’ profiles, preventing unnecessary exposure of private information. This measure is aimed at fostering trust among users while maintaining the integrity of the complaint resolution process.
The system has been designed to resolve complaints within 10 to 15 days, depending on the nature of the issue. Citizens will receive updates on their complaint status and can provide feedback on how effectively their concerns were addressed. The government is particularly keen on receiving user feedback to continuously refine the platform and improve its efficiency.
The launch of the Pakistan Citizen’s Portal represents a major milestone in Pakistan’s governance reforms, reinforcing the government’s commitment to citizen-centric policies. The PMDU expects the initiative to significantly improve public service delivery, reduce bureaucratic delays, and establish a more transparent and accountable governance system. As more citizens begin to use the platform, the government hopes to gain valuable insights into systemic issues, allowing for better policymaking and service improvements across various sectors.