Who Will Win the 3G Race: Mobilink and Telenor
The local and international operators are at the edge of their seats to plunge into the upcoming 3G and 4G auctions in Pakistan. There is a pool for 3G auctions in which three operators are going to get the licenses whereas 4G license will be acquired by 2 operators at the most. All the preparations for the upcoming mega event have been done and users are curiously waiting for the curtains to be taken off from the next-generation auctions in the country.
3G Backend Work Galore!
Comtech EF Data Corp. and Supernet Limited, Pakistan’s announced the successful migration of the entire 2G TDM satellite backhaul network to an all IP optimized backhaul solution. The contract was awarded to Supernet after it had successfully tested and proven the technologies and processes for seamless transition to an end-to-end IP satellite network. This migrated satellite 3G network will carry more than 500 Mbps of voice and data traffic.
VimpelCom and Pakistan Telecom Walk Out on Warid
VimpelCom Ltd. and Pakistan Telecommunication Co. have abandoned talks to buy mobile operator Warid Telecom. Amsterdam-based VimpelCom and Pakistan Telecommunication, part-owned by Abu Dhabi-based Emirates Telecommunications Corp. (ETISALAT), dropped out of the negotiations with Warid’s owners after failing to agree on a price. Abu Dhabi Group put Pakistan’s Warid up for sale last year in a transaction worth as much as $1 billion.