PTCL announced the launch of its ultra-high speed Charji LTE service in Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK), where the Chief Commercial Officer, Adnan Shahid, commented:
“PTCL continues in its strive to build a digital future and we remain committed to introduce cutting edge technological solutions for our customers. Introduction of Charji LTE services in AJK shall bring new opportunities for households and businesses across the region, enabling our customers to enjoy high speed internet and remain connected all the time.”
In addition to AJK, PTCL Charji LTE is already available in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Faisalabad, and more cities will be launched in the near future.
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Charji offers ultra-high speed connectivity which allows the customers to enjoy faster web browsing, HD video streaming, instantaneous music and picture downloads, uninterrupted online gaming sessions and much more. CharJi Wingle (USB Powered Hotspot) and CharJi Cloud (battery powered MiFi) are sleek and pocket-friendly devices which connect up to 10 devices over WiFi.
The Charji packages start from Rs.1,000 per month with a maximum volume slab of 75 GB and cater to every need and lifestyle. Also, customers purchasing the CharJi device in Ramzan will get double the volume on every recharge for the next 6 months!