One of the main objectives of the latest government of PTI under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan is to enforce strict ‘accountability’, a claim that has been constantly made while he campaigned for a ‘naya Pakistan’ and also emphasized upon after winning the 2018 elections in July.
Therefore, to hold the government on their promises of accountability, Dubai-based entrepreneur Salman Saeed has launched a website called ‘Khan Meter’ to keep track of Mr Khan’s performance and the 100-day agenda he has promised the country. The website is to monitor and record the new government’s progress and has a list of promises made by the Prime Minister divided under various categories, including governance, federation, economy, agriculture, water, society and security.
Speaking to the local newspaper the Salman Saeed said, “This website is a tool to verify compliance or non-compliance of the new government to their commitments. I believe a tool of such a kind should have existed long ago and the people should hold the government accountable and keep an eye on their commitments.”
As of current, 3 out of the 35 promises made by the government are under the ‘in progress’ section. The developer also explains how the website work, according to him if a discussion is initiated on either of the topics, its status changes to work in progress. Thus, if a law is enacted to implement this, it is placed under the status of ‘achieved’ and if (there is) a counter law in contravention of the promise, it will be pushed to the promises ‘broken’ category.
Regarding public response and monitoring, Salman said
“There is a discussion space available on each section on this website allowing people to comment on compliance with each of the promises, as well as express their opinion on the difficulties governance can face in achieving the promises. However, I only update the contents based on reliable (news) sources.”