The Islamabad AI Community held their launch event at the National Incubator Center in Islamabad on the 22nd December 2018. The event featured speakers from all over the industry who are working in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Some of the speakers at event included: Ershian Anwer founder of Anzen, a AI and IoT based startup. He spoke on the topic of Intelligence Surveillance, Irtiza, Data Scientist Red Buffer spoke on what machines see – deep learning for computer vision.
Syed Tayyab, co-founder Code Junkie spoke on the topic of scope of AI in global entrepreneurship. Shahrukh Babar, CEO Xylexa also spoke on the AI in Biomedical and Bioinformatics.
The keynote speaker for the AI event was Dr. Yasar Ayaz, Central Project Director and Chairman of National Center of Artificial Intelligence and Dr, Amir Hanif Dar, Assistant Professor CS Department COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Islamabad.