The Islamabad-based Pakistani 3D Animation Company won a mega grant from the Epic Games Store, maker of video games and applications, and publisher.
In 2016, 3rd World Studios was set up for the production of animated feature films.
Epic Games has pledged $100 million to help game developers, industry professionals, media and entertainment producers, students , educators, and tool developers who are doing incredible things with Unreal Engine or improving the 3D graphics community’s open source capabilities.
The animation studio boasts a team of 60 engineers and artists. With their animated feature film Allahyar and the Legend of Markhor, the company earlier made headlines.
It is also the first studio in the world to produce animated feature films using a game engine (EPIC’s UNREAL ENGINE).
The goal of the studio is to use out-of-the-box solutions to produce spectacular CG content of international quality, quicker, cheaper than anyone else, and plans to extend end-to-end animation and VFX production services for commercials, shows, and films.