According to Geo News, a cable cut in a submarine cable system nearly 400 kilometers off the coast of Pakistan is causing internet outages across the country. TW1 is a 1,300-kilometre cable system that connects Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman.
Internet services might be disrupted across Pakistan, according to a statement published by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), owing to a suspected break in the Trans World (TW1) underwater cable system.
“A cable cut has been recorded in the Trans World (TW1) underwater cable system at around 6 PM on Monday,” according to a PTA statement. “This problem has caused an interruption of international bandwidth and may result in deterioration of internet services for users of Trans world bandwidth.”In a statement published in this respect, PTA indicated that it is arranging adhoc bandwidth to reduce the damage.
“To reduce the impact, the consortium is arranging adhoc bandwidth.” It said that “efforts are being made to determine the specific site of the problem and the projected restoration time.”