U Microfinance Bank Ltd. received The 3G Creativity and Innovation Award, and U Bank President & CEO Mr. Kabeer Naqvi received The 3G Best Emerging Leader in Corporate Sector Award at the Global Good Governance – 3G Awards on May 25, 2021.
The Global Good Governance Awards are conducted every year to honour and celebrate individuals, institutions, and organisations from all over the world for their impactful work in the areas of social responsibility and good governance.
U Bank has established itself as a pioneer in the business, with a network of 201 branches and 200 ATMs in 183 rural and urban locations around the country, offering a comprehensive range of microfinance loans, digital and branchless banking solutions, and deposit products.
Furthermore, U Bank, in cooperation with Ufone, offers branchless banking services in over 45,000 designated agent locations across Pakistan under the brand U Paisa. Customers can use this channel to access banking services with simplicity and comfort.
The 3G Creativity and Innovation Award 2021 is a reflection of U Bank’s commitment to investing in technology and making innovation a priority.
Mr. Kabeer Naqvi, President & CEO of U Bank, was honoured with the 3G Best Emerging Leader in Corporate Sector Award for championing programmes to socially and financially include underprivileged communities across Pakistan.
“U Microfinance Bank has been successfully helping underprivileged Pakistanis and has been positively contributing to poverty eradication and economic empowerment,” remarked Mr. Kabeer Naqvi, President & CEO, while digitally receiving the award.
Mr. Kabeer Naqvi, President and CEO of U Bank, received the 3G Best Emerging Leader in Corporate Sector Award for championing programmes to socially and financially include poor communities throughout Pakistan.
Mr. Kabeer Naqvi, President & CEO, said while digitally receiving the award,
“U Microfinance Bank has been effectively supporting impoverished Pakistanis and has been positively contributing to poverty eradication and economic empowerment.”