Drones are no more an illusion of science fiction. They now take us back in time to futuristic cartoon such as Jetsons. Drones or Unmanned technology as it is called have posed many challenges and threats to the world.
Leaving out non destructive uses, who knew that one day drones will be used to take selfies? Perhaps, the most narcissist person on this planet decided to do so. A dronie, as most aptly put will be enable a person to take an aerial selfie using a drone. Soon there will be personal drones hovering in the aerospace to simply make videos and pictures.
New Zealand tourist authorities are using this technology as a major tourist attraction to capture tourist dronies on the ski slopes of the country. This trend has already engulfed Instagram and twitter, using the hashtag #dronie
When this new technology was newly introduced, it was being used for deadly purposes leading to strong opposition in lieu of human rights violation. However things started falling into shape when people started reconsidering the use of this technology for other purposes. The media and social workers wanted a different outcome from this technology such as using it to save lives instead of taking lives. Realistically, NGOs and other concerned authorities suggested that they could be used to provide aid to the disaster affected people in areas where human access if not possible due to blockages of roads.
Then DHL, a global courier delivery service came up with a smart idea to deliver mails using these quad-copters or Parcelcopters. The picture showing a drone delivering mail in a high rise building went viral. Amazon the e-commerce giant is also starting delivery mail through drones.
Major challenges and concerns with the availability of this machine in the market which means, soon everybody will be able keep a personal drone. One major threat would be, occupying the airspace. Since this technology is unmanned, there is no need for a license or there are no documents available by FDA regarding its rules of use. The question arises that when these quadcopters will be available in the market for commercial use will it be a hindrance for civil aviation? More issues would sprout up relating to violation of privacy or spying over spouse, neighbor or enemy. If these are used by criminals what consequences would it lead too?
However, it is time to rethink the release of this technology in the hand of people. Selfie obsessed creatures would be happy to buy one but the clocks are ticking and minds are getting smarter.